What We Do?
We hold that non-believers’ rights should be explicitly equal to believers’ rights and should be recognized as such in international treaties. We seek to clarify the human rights of people who hold no religious beliefs. focusing on the right to be religious has led to overlooking the right to be non-believers. you will find a list of rights protecting the religious in Mauritanian Law but none protecting those who have no religion. You may not discriminate against a person on account of their religion but nothing prevents you from discriminating against a person because they have no religion.
Now, in the 21st century, atheists are one of the most discriminated against groups in the world.
This is why we need change it by our Organization
Today, atheists and LGBTQ are one of the most discriminated against groups in the world. In some countries, it is illegal to be an atheist and penalties range from fines to imprisonment to death in Mauritania And with all this no one knows anything about human rights inside Mauritania
So, in 2014, liberals Network Mauritania (LNM) decided it is time to campaign for Persecuted minorities of non-believers to be granted the same rights as religious people.
Liberals Network Mauritania focuses its action around three pillars:
The voice of defenders and minority rights activists in Mauritania, Empowering the freethinkers
Influencing policymakers; Building a movement for dialogue and exchange in the face of growing mistrust and polarization among societies.
Working to establish a society in which no one is marginalized or oppressed
We work in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international conventions, as well as in accordance with the sixteenth goal of the sustainable development goals.
Because without equal rights, there will be no justice, dignity or respect for the human being. Without human rights and effective governance, based on the rule of law and the rejection of oppression and discrimination, we cannot hope to achieve the rule of law.

The voice of defenders and minority rights activists in Mauritania
We empower the voice of oppressed and oppressed groups by posting their stories on our platform in order to participate in building more open societies, and equal citizenship rights for all.
To build a strong and strategic partnership with international human rights organizations for better societies.
to build a strong and strategic partnership with international human rights organisations for better societies.