Author: Yahya

  • Courage and sacrifice

    Courage and sacrifice

    Mauritania is a conservative Islamic republic located in West Africa, where the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community faces extreme discrimination and violence.the country’s strict interpretation of Islamic law also criminalizes homosexuality and transgender identities. In practice, LGBTQ individuals in Mauritania face widespread discrimination, harassment, and violence from both the government and society…

  • status of freedoms in Mauritania

    status of freedoms in Mauritania

    Mauritania is a country located in West Africa and is known for its diverse cultural heritage and stunning landscapes. However, the country has been facing several challenges in terms of human rights and freedoms. In this article, we will take a closer look at the status of freedoms in Mauritania. Freedom of Speech and Press…

  • We need to secularize Mauritania

    We need to secularize Mauritania

      The beginnings of the emergence of secular thought in Mauritania did not crystallize except during the past ten years thanks to the efforts of a group of young people who completed their university studies, and this elite formed the “carrier” of enlightening ideas, and proceeded to disseminate them in the Mauritanian society.  The Enlightenment…

  • نحتاج علمنة موريتانيا

    نحتاج علمنة موريتانيا

    إن بواكير نشوء الفكر العلماني في موريتانيا  لم تتبلور إلا  خلال العشر سنوات الماضية بفضل جهود نخبة من الشباب الذي أكمل دراسته الجامعية  وهذه النخبة شكلت (الحامل) او (الناقل) للافكار التنويرية  , و المضي قدما لنشرها في المجتمع الموريتاني كما ان التنويريين في الدول العربي قد تبنوا هذه القيم  قبلنا بفترة زمنية طويلة  الا ان النخب…

  • Violence and harassment against LGBTQ Communety

    Violence and harassment against LGBTQ Communety

    The Mauritanian LGBT community is at risk of persecution. Mauritania is an Islamic country, and the religion’s society views homosexuality as “an act of terrorism.” The law does not offer protection for the LGBT community, and there are no anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. For some…

  • Women’s Rights in Mauritania: The Struggle for Equality and Justice

    Women’s Rights in Mauritania: The Struggle for Equality and Justice

    Women’s rights in Mauritania are among the worst in the world. Mauritania’s women have an extremely low status, and they are discriminated against when it comes to employment opportunities, education, healthcare, and even freedom of movement. In most cases, women who want a better life for themselves will have to abandon their families and move…